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Forex Marketing

Below is a list of available Forex marketing and Fx marketing options available at web site.

Broker Logo - (left hand side - No rotation)
Accepted image file format: jpg, gif and png
Dimensions: 100 x 33
Location: Home page and all web pages.
Rate: US$ 250 @ 1 month.
Rate: US$ 700 @ 3 months.
Rate: US$ 1,200 @ 6 months.
Rate: US$ 2,500 @ 12 months or above.

Special Box Banner - (bottom left corner - No rotation)
Accepted image file format: jpg, gif and png
Dimensions: 125 x 125
Location: Home page and all web pages.
Rate: US$ 300 @ 1 month.
Rate: US$ 800 @ 3 months.
Rate: US$ 1,500 @ 6 months.
Rate: US$ 3,000 @ 12 months or above.

Vertical Banner - (right hand side - rotating) Accepted image file format: jpg, gif and png
Dimensions: 160 x 600
Location: Home page and all web site pages.
Rate: US$ 400 @ 1 month.
Rate: US$ 1,100 @ 3 months.
Rate: US$ 2,000 @ 6 months.
Rate: US$ 4,500 @ 12 months or above.
Note: This banner spot is limited to 2 banners at a time, maximum.

Forex Email Marketing:
We can send your custom designed Fx Marketing message via html email to our email list of Monthly Forex Newsletter subscribers. We have 5K members inside our email list. You can include your text message, banner, company logo, images and landing page link inside email blast.
Rate: US$ 500 per email.

Featured Forex Broker Listing:
Featured broker appears at following web pages:

  • 1st Position $600/month
  • 2nd Position $500/month
  • 3rd Position $400/month
  • 4th Position $300/month
  • 5th Position $200/month

i - If you are not a UK broker then you will NOT appear on UK Forex brokers page.
ii - If you are not a US broker then you will NOT appear on US Forex brokers page.
iii - If you are not an ECN broker then you will NOT appear on ECN brokers page.
iv - If you are not a MT4 broker then you will NOT appear on MT4 brokers page.

Mode of payment:

  • Bitcoin
  • USDT - Tether

If you want to buy Forex advertisement on this web site or if have questions regarding web site traffic statistics and Forex email marketing then please contact us.

All advertisement prices can be changed without any notice.

All advertisement placements and Forex leads data are provided "AS IS" and no results are guaranteed. If you aren't satisfied with the results, the payment WON'T be refunded under any circumstances. Though, we will try to make your advertisement experience as effective as possible.

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