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Forex Managed Accounts Performance

Minimum Forex Account Size US$ 15000/- (15K) trading style is based upon pure technical analysis with good risk to reward ratio and sound Forex money management rules. Managed Forex Account program backed with Forex trading account statement. If you are intersted then contact us and we will send you our Forex Managed Account Past Performance. We do not trade daily. We only trade when we see high probability trading chances.


Forex Money Management

Forex Managed Account program works with risk control policy. An investor should understand that profit and loss is part of the Fx trading business. Some times, I lose trades and some times I win trades. I try to win more big trades as compare to losing trades and this is what makes my Managed Forex Account program profitable!

Open Managed Forex Account

The other side of the coin is that instead of making money it may possible that I may start losing money. So, a risk control policy is required at this point. I work with total 35% risk management policy. Meaning, if at any given point and time, client account(s) show 35% draw down then I will stop trading.

Forex money management service allows me to trade on behalf of my clients. I do claim that I try my level best to make a profit in currency trading. I have done it, last year and the Fx trading account statement is available as a proof to back my claim.

My Forex managed account service goes in the favour of my clients because when my clients make a profit, then I get my share out of profit in the shape of 48% monthly Forex managed accounts performance fee.

The client(s) money remains inside client(s) trading account(s). I can not withdraw and transfer client funds. Moreover; clients can access and view live trading activity, 24/7 at their live trading account(s) using investor password.

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