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Open Managed Forex Account

We only accept Spot Forex trading accounts from Meta Trader 4 trading platform supported Forex brokers.

Open Forex Managed Account

Step 1 Open Spot Forex trading account.
You will open live Spot Forex trading account with any MetaTrader 4 supported Forex broker, using your name, address and details. See a list of Meta Trader 4 compatible brokers here.
Step 2 Submit supporting documents.

In order to open Spot Forex trading account with any Forex brokerage firm, you must submit documents to verify your Forex trading account. Always, Forex brokers asked for the following documents:

• Proof of I.D - Scanned copy of your Passport or National Identity Card or Driver license that must clearly show your face/photo.

• Proof of Address - Scanned copy of a utility bill or bank statement bearing your permanent address.

Step 3 Fund your Spot Forex trading account.
After the completion of documentation process and verification you should proceed to fund your Spot Forex trading account.
Step 4 Contact Us
Once your Spot Forex trading account is funded and ready then contact us and send us Managed Forex Account request via email with your Spot Forex trading account number, trading password and brokerage trading server I.P address. In-return we will send you Limited Power of Attorney agreement to read and sign.
Step 5 Pay 2% account management fee.
Pay us 2% Forex account management fee. We charge in advance 2% account management fee, one time only.
Step 6 Pay 48% performance fee.
After a calender month, we charge 48% performance fee on a monthly basis, only incase of profit. You, as a client will pay us our 48% share from profit if your Forex trading account shows new net profit after 30 days period. (at the end of every calender month)

Security Of Funds: The client(s) money remains inside client(s) trading account(s). We can not withdraw and transfer client funds. Moreover; clients can access and view live trading activity, 24/7 at their live trading account(s).

For more questions please read our Frequently Asked Questions or Contact Us

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